Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 9 Ranjeng Lake Nature Reserve

Brebes is also has attractions such as lake, one of them is Lake Ranjeng, known as Telaga Ranjeng. Lake Ranjeng is located in the Village renjeng Pandansari, District Paguyangan, Ranjeng Lake is a tourist attraction potential of water in the Bradford district. Lake Ranjeng can be achieved / - 10 km towards the tea factory Kaligua. Pandansari located in the Village, District Paguyangan, Lake Ranjeng is a tourist attraction potential of water in Brebes district. Ranjeng lake which was built in 1924, is under the foot of Mount Slamet and is part of the conservation areas owned Perhutani East Pekalongan. The nature reserve has an area of forty-eight and a half hectares and make us enjoy the water over there, consisting of resin and pine forests surrounding the lake, which was formerly a royal bathing leaders in Java. Lake Ranjeng has 48.50 ha of this area is based on the SK (letter of) the local government as one of the Nature Reserve on January 11, 1925 This is one tourist attraction that is different from other tourist attractions which still includes the Nature Reserve. Every visitor who visited this place at all is free of user charges.
Recreation to the tourist attractions does not require expensive. Creek that still truly natural is surrounded by grass and lush pine trees. Another attraction of the Lake Ranjeng is the cool mountain air, protected forests, nature reserves, and there are thousands and thousands of catfish are benign and are considered sacred, which is considered as residents of the lake. It is said that catfish Lake Ranjeng watchman who has a depth of three meters, just to be invited to play games and not allowed to be taken even if only one tail. Elders who live in the lake ever told there was a tourist who tried to pick it up at home but that person then ill are recovering after returning to the Lake Ranjeng catfish. Whether or not the story, which clearly Telaga Ranjeng a tourism asset which has its own charm.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 8 Tourism Park Mekarsari

Mekarsari Amazing Tourism Park (MATP) is located in District Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Tourism Park Mekarsari is a place where one can find the wealth of Indonesia’s fruit species gathered together in a single location. It is also intended to develop and breeding of superior varieties of fruit. Mekarsari is one of the biggest tropical fruit garden in the world. The garden is intended to create a model market garden which will nurture germplasm collection representing fruit trees, vegetables, and flowering plants. The aim here is to safeguard the genetic diversity of these plants. The 264-hectare garden is conceived as a tourist attraction who will enjoy the recreational facilities which include Canal Tour, Kid’s Fun Valley, Country Side, Melon Park, Snake fruit Garden, Deer Park, and other facilities.
Tourism Park Mekarsari is good tourism park especiaaly for family. For visitors with their families include their children, they can got kind of fruit there cheap enough. So their child can be creativity with their skill. You can see see the collection of plants here with boarded the train around by buying a ticket is Rp. 10.000. However, you must be patient in the event queue that long, because this park have cheap prize. While on his way to see the collection of plants, you will not wonder about the benefits of plants that you see, because no information from tour guide who will provide information about the uniqueness of these plants. So, if you go to this park, don’t forget together with your families, because you will enjoy this park. This park also have outbond for our family. So, for you who like adrenaline, the area is worth a try.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 7 Makassar Losari Beach

Makassar Losari Beach is a famous beach located in the western city of Makassar, Indonesia. So many visitors this beach, local tourist even many who came from abroad. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning enjoying the sunrise, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset scenery overall is very beautiful to visit it, especially In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of sunset sunset. Previously, the beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because of the sellers and traders operate only at night), and touted as stall the world's longest (for tent stalls lined along the beach whose length is less over one kilometer). Even, everyone in the around Indonesia have known it.
One of the kind of food that sold Makassar in tent stalls that are ‘pisang epe’ there is a raw bananas are baked, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. At least ‘pisang epe’ good to eat while still warm, to make hot our body. of course everyone who come there never forgot to ate this food.
Besides as a marine tourism with a lot of visitors, Makassar Losari Beach have a lot of potential that can be used, such as water sports, port, seafood is abundant, trade zone, and so forth. Losari become one of the options to invest in the field of tourism, such as construction of hotels and restaurants, as evidenced by the many hotels and restaurants that stand along the beach with views of beach use. Coastal waters are quite calm has been used as a place to practice water skiing and jet skiing. There is one of the historical sights in the area of this beach is Fort Rotterdam, the Dutch colonial government fort relics which have high historical value in the national struggle.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 6 Bromo Mountain

Bromo mountain is one tourist destination in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Natural attractions are located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in the eastern city of Malang, East Java. Visitors was not only local tourists, even many who come from abroad. With a view of a typical make Bromo worthy destination. Bromo mountain is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The name of Bromo derived from Javanese pronounciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator God.
You’d better go there during the fall or spring time, because the weather is cooler and you will be able to enjoy it more. In there regular visitors visiting this area since early morning in order to see the rising sun. To view them, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Terrain that must be traversed to get to Mount Pananjakan is tough terrain. But, many visitors who choose to rent a car hardtop (a type of jeep) driven by the community.
You never feel disappear and disappointed if you be there. Because Up above, there are many shops that provides coffee or tea and a warm fire to warm themselves while waiting to sunrise. There are also stores that rent warm clothing. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event, the visitors are willing to wait since 5 am facing the east so as not to lose this moment. Because of that many visitors come early morning to watching the sunrise and drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 5 Hill Love

Have you ever known about the hill in Semarang?. There is a hill in Semarang, known as Hill Love. Hill love is a hill located in the Village Kebondowo Banyubiru District of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This is have a small hill located at the edge of Rawapening Lake lying, this located not far from the Railway Museum Ambarawa. Means of transportation to this place so easy to visit it, just 5 km from the city of Salatiga Ambarawa direction via Banyubiru. That reliable of these attractions are the shade trees and views Rawapening Lake lying. For water attractions such as fishing, water skiing, or Rawapening Lake lying around by renting a motor boat with a tariff of Rp. 30.000,- per 1/2 jam. 30.000, - per half hour, its so cheap. There is also a by-the typical of these attractions was the craft of the water hyacinth .
Everyone want to be there to enjoy a nice scenery. As the name implies, is home making love newlyweds. When entering the Mount attractions Love, seen a huge welcome arch. On the left and right are small shops that sell a wide range of handicrafts is unique attractions such as water hyacinth handicraft and food stalls serving food of freshwater fish. From a distance looks a giant dragon statue at the bottom of the hill. Apparently at the dragon statue is there a room whose contents form a collection of reptiles and animals are inserted into the fish tank. When climbing a small hill there is lots of large trees, making the atmosphere was cool and comfortable. Most of visitors came from around java. They sat in the middle of the gardens and enjoy under trees that shade. There are also stalls that provide specialties such as catfish, shellfish, and other freshwater fish food.

Tugas Kepariwisataan

Tugas Kepariwisataan 4 Bunaken Island

Indonesia has so many island, one of them is Bunaken Island in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This Island is an area in the Bay of Manado with wide areas 8,08 km, located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken island is part of the city of Manado, the capital of the province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island can be achieved by speed boat (speed boat) or a rented boat with about 30 minutes journey from the port city of Manado. Around the island there Bunaken Marine Park which is part of the Bunaken National Park. This marine park has a biodiversity of marine among the highest in the world, scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken Marine Park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Island Siladen, Mantehage Island follows several children his island, and island Naen. Although covering an area of 75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.
Everyone who came to this island can enjoy it, because Bunaken has a beautiful park with a nice situation and scenery. Beside that, many visitors enjoy Bunaken Marine Park, they can diving in there especially for divers and lovers of the beauty of underwater scenery. The incredible shape and colours of the fringing coral off the small island of Bunaken have earned it celebrity status among divers and snorkelers around the world. The marine biodiversity here is extraordinary, with more than 300 types of corals and 3000 species of fish.
Many of the tourists who come to dive around Bunaken are on short vacations from Europe and elsewhere. This tends to mean higher prices on Bunaken than the mainland when it comes to things like Bintang beer. It also means some of the resorts actively discriminate against nondivers, either by charging higher accommodation prices or turning them away. Diving is where the real money is made on this island. Of course you also very excited to visit this place.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Unsur Dasar Humas dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Humas

Kata pengantar

Humas merupakan salah satu komponen penting yang harus dimilki oleh sebuah perusahaan. Namun hingga saat ini, belum banyak orang yang mengetahui betapa besar peranan humas dalam perkembangan suatu perusahaan.
Dalam suatu perusahaan humas sangat berperan penting dalam melakukan penawaran produk maupun pemasarn dikarenakan humas jugadapat berfungsi sebagai marketing. Seorang humas selanjutnya diharapkan untuk membuat program-program dalam mengambil tindakan secara sengaja dan terencana dalam upaya-upayanya, mempertahankan, menciptakan, dan memeliharapengertian bersama antara organisasi dan masyarakatnya.
Posisi humas merupakan factor penunjang tercapainya tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh suatu manajemen organisasi. Sasaran humas adalah public internal dan public internal, dimana secara operasional humas bertugas membina hubungan yang harmonis antara organisasi dengan publiknya dan mencegah timbulnya rintangan psikologis yang mungkin terjadi diantara keduanya.

 Unsur Dasar Humas
Unsur dasar falsafah humas antara lain adalah :
a) Humas sebagai upaya mempengaruhi kemauan individu, golongan, atau masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran dengan maksud mengubah pikiran, pendapat public secara umum oleh pemerintah.
b) Humas ditujukan untuk mendorong atau memajukan usaha-usaha dibidang ekonomi. Falsafah ini dipakai oleh badan usaha ekonomi yang mencari keuntungan.
c) Humas dengan menggunakan pengetahuan yang luas dan bijaksana bisa dipergunakan dalam pencapaian tujuan.
d) Misi humas yang perlu disampaikan kepada masyarakat diintegrasikan dengan kebutuhan public.

 Opini Public
Opini public adalah sekumpulan pandangan individu terhadap isu yang sama yang berhubungan dengan arah opini, pengukuran intensitas, stabilitas, dukungan informasional dan dukungan social.
Menurut Emory Bogardus, opini public adalah hasil pengintegrasian pendapat berdasarkan diskusi yang dilakukan dalam masyarakat demokratis. Dengan demikian berarti :
a) Opini public itu bukan merupakan kata sepakat
b) Tidak merupakan jumlah pendapat yang dihitung secara numerical
c) Opini public hanya dapat berkembang dinegara-negara demokratis dimana terdapat kebebasan bagi setiap individu untuk menyatakan pendapat dengan lisan, tertulis, gambar-gambar, isyarat dan lambing-lambang lainnya yang dapat dimengerti.
Dalam praktik kehumasan untuk menciptakan opini public ada 3 cara, yaitu sebagai berikut :
a) Tekanan ( pressure ): lebih banyak menggunakan pengaruh, abik secara individu yang mempunyai kewibawaan pribadi maupun berdasarkan kekuasaan jabatan maupun kekuasaan tertentu.
b) Membeli ( buying ) : dengan membeli suara atau menggunakan sejumlah uang “money politic” agar bisa memperoleh dukungan.
c) Bujukan ( persuasive ) : yang paling tepat atau wajar dalam aktifitas peranan humas dalam membentuk atau merekayasa opini public yaitu dengan cara membujuk.

 Employer Relation
Dalam hal ini Employer Relation yang dimaksud adalah humas dapat membangun hubungan antara pimpinan dari perusahaan dengan bentuk apapun, diantaranya adalah dalam bentuk kerja sama dan komunikasi yang baik antara atasan termasuk pimpinan dari perusahaan itu sendiri dengan bawahannya, yaitu karyawan-karyawan dari perusahaan yang dipimpinnya. Hal ini untuk mencegah terjadinya hubungan yang retak dan ini dilaksanakan dengan komunikasi. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan secara lisan maupun media yang berlangsung secara timbale balik. Dengan keterlampilan berkomunikasi, humas dapat menjadi mediator untuk menyalurkan perasaan para karyawan kepada pimpinan, dilain pihak sebagai motivator untuk membangkitkan daya juang untuk berpartisipasi.

 Hubungan Dengan Pemegang Saham
Public Relation atau humas diharapkan agar dapat membina hubungan yang baik dengan pemegang saham. Banyak hal-hal yang dapat dilakukan agar dapat terjalin kerja sama yang baik dengan para pemegang saham, antara lain adalah :
a) Dengan menyatakan selamat kepada para pemegang saham yang baru karena mereka telah mau bergabung dengan perusahaan yang kita pimpin.
b) Hendaknya kita mengirimkan organisasi secara berkala kepada pemegang saham, agar mereka dapat mengetahui bagaimana system organisasi perusahaan yang kita pimpin
c) Menyampaikan laporan tahunan, hal ini dimaksudkan agar para pemegang saham dapat mengetahui berapa besar jumlah pemasukan dan pengeluaran perusahaan, serta untuk apa saja dana yang sudah dikeluarkan. Selain itu dimaksudkan juga agar pemegang saham tahu kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja selama satu tahun ini.
Perusahaan harus berhati-hati dalam menjalin hubungan dengan pemegang saham, selain itu perusahaan harus bisa menjaga kepercayaan pemegang saham. Perusahaan diharapkan dapat menjaga nama baiknya agar para pemegang saham tidak berpindah ke perusahaan lain.

 Hubungan dengan Distributor
Sebagai seorang humas, kita diharapkan cekatan dan terampil dalam hal berkomunikasi dengan siapapun, salah satunya adalah dengan distributor. Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan distributor adalah cara yang tepat agar proses pemasaran barang-barang produksi dapat berlangsung dengan baik. Hal ini dapat mendorong distributor untuk melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dan mencapai hasil yang diharapkan sesuai dengan target penjualan. Humas juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan hubungan bekerja sama yang baik dengan distributor.

 Community Relation
Dalam hal ini Community Relation disini adalah kita sebagai humas. Bagaimana kita dapat menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang lain tergantung dari sikap kita. Ini seperti menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak yang selama ini telah melakukan kerja sama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah kita wakili, sebisa mungkin kita berusaha untuk menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan dan komunitas-komunitas masyarakat tertentu. Humas juga sebagai pelaksananya diharapkan dapat bersifat partisipatif.

 Government Relation
Sebagai humas yang baik hendaknya kita dapat menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan pemerintah. Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan pemerintah dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebaga berikut, antara lain :
a) Humas diharapkan dapat menguasai peraturan-peraturan pemerintah yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka mencegah terjadinya kegiatan organisasi yang bertentangan dengan kebijakan pemerintah. Humas jiga diharapkan dapat banyak member masukan kepada pimpinan untuk bahan pembuatan kebijaksanaan dan pengambilan keputusan tanpa diminta.
b) Humas juga diharapkan dapat membina hubungan dengan instansi pemerintah. Maksudnya adalah mengakrabkan diri dengan pimpinan instansi pemerintah setempat, setidak-tidaknya dengan humas instansi yang bersangkutan. Tujuan dari pembinaan ini adalah, di satu pihak untuk melancarkan hubungan kerja bilamana suatu ketika diperlukan, memperlicin permohonan kalau suatu waktu diajukan, mempermudah pemecahan masalah jika suatu saat terjadi salah pengertian.

 Customer Relation
Membangun hubungan baik dengan pihak luar juga sangat diperlukan sebagai seorang humas. Maksudnya menjalin hubungan baik antara perusahaan dengan public dan hubungan dengan konsumen. Di dalam hal ini Customer Relation harus tahu bagaimana memeihara barang hasil produksi mereka agar para konsumen/pengguna produk bisa tetap setia dengan hasil produksinya. Humas juga diharapkan dapat cekatan dan terampil dalam berkomunikasi dan dalam memantau kegiatan lawan. Humas bersama staff harus membiasakan diri setiap hari membaca surat kabar dan penerbitan lain, mendengarkan radio terutama radio swasta niaga yang biasa menyiarkan iklan dan menonton televise untuk mengetahui jika ada propaganda dari perusahaan lawan yang cenderung merebut public yang telah dibinanya.

 Pers Relation
Terbinanya hubungan humas dengan orang-orang media massa, seperti redaktur surat kabar dan majalah, wartawan televise dan radio atau reporter televisi. Humas juga harus mempertimbangkan media apa yang akan mereka pilih sehingga dapat menyampaikan pesan kepada pelanggan . Humas perlu membina hubungan yang akrab dengan media massa agar segala sesuatu yang menyangkut penyebaran informasi kepada public berjalan lancar. Pers dan media massa umumnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh humas dengan berbagai cara, antara lain dengan :
a) Jumpa pers ( press conference )
b) Wisata pers ( press tour )
c) Siaran pers ( press releasa ) :siaran pers mencangkup publisitas sangat penting dalam kehumasan karena informasi disebarluaskan oleh media massa tanpa membayar sama sekali.
d) Periklanan ( advertising )

 Krisis Manajemen
Pada dasarnya, penyebab terjadinya krisis manajemen adalah karena keterbatasan manusia mengatasi berbagai tuntutan lingkungan atau kegagalan teknologi tinggi. Musibah lainnya yang dapat menyebabkan krisis manajemen adalah pemogokan masal, kebakaran, kecelakaan, ancaman pengambilalihan perusahaan, peraturan baru yang merugikan, skandal dan sebagainya.
Kemungkinan krisis ada dua macam. Pertama, yang bisa diperhitungkan, berkaitan erat dengan karakteristik atau bidang kegiatan yang digeluti oleh suatu organisasi. Kedua, yang tidak bisa diperhitungkan atau yang tidak bisa diantisipasi, seperti krisis eksternal yang juga sama-sama berbahaya.
Tugas utama yang harus dilakukan oleh tim krisis adalah melakukan identifikasi krisis dan menentukan langkah-langkah apa yang harus dilakukan. Semua tim harus bisa menjelaskan pesan-pesan komunikasi yang sudah disepakati, dan mereka harus benar-benar bisa menguasai masalahnya.

 Humas dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Hubungan masyarakat atau sering disingkat humas adalah seni menciptakan pengertian public yang lebih baik, sehingga dapat memperdalam kepercayaan public terhadap suatu individu atau organisasi. Menurut IPRA ( International Public Relation Association ) humas adalah fungsi manajemen dari ciri yang terencana dan berkelanjutan melalui organisasi dan lembaga swasta atau public untuk memperoleh pengertian, simpati, dan dukungan dari mereka yang terkait atau mungkin ada hubungannya dengan penelitian opini public diantara mereka.
Sebagai sebuah profesi seorang humas bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan informasi, membidik, meyakinkan, meraih simpati, dan membangkitkan ketertarikan masyarakat akan sesuatu atau mebuat masyarakat mengerti.
Seorang humas selanjutnya diharapkan untuk membuat program-program dalam mengambil tindakan secara sengaja dan terencana dalam upaya-upaya mempertahankan, menciptakan, dan memelihara pengertian bersama antara organisai dan masyarakat.

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 3 Bogor Safari Park

Bogor Safari Park is one of the most famous tourist places in Cisarua. Bogor, West Java Indonesia. There are many different types of rare animals and are protected by the Government, for example : lions, giraffes, tigers, bears and so on. Visitors who come there, in addition to recreational activities can also learn about endangered animals one by one.
Anyways, we had plenty of fun: with the lions and tigers and some other dangerous carnivores who also not caged. We could see the lions right outside our car very close by... (the gates between each park: herbivores and carnivores were separated and that we had to keep our windows close at this carnivores gate, and not to stop as the lions could jump up on our car and we couldn't go anywhere). Because there is always safety in priority. This made us feel at peace.
In addition, Adult couples who are married and have children, they can teach their children about the names of animals, both wild animals and pets. In this way children can understand better with more knowledge on all kinds of animals there, because they see it in person so they can see the differences.
You can drive around and its the best way to introduce animals to your children. You can feed the animals (except those who are carnivore) with carrots sell outside (have bargain half prize). In the rest area, you can go to baby Zoo and you can take picture hugging baby orangutan, tigers, leopard and many more. You can see tigers show and the park of birds. You can bring your vehicle in this area is an excess of trips to Bogor Safari Park, because we can see the animals at a lesser distance.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 2 Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach is one of the famous beach of the island of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is administratively a district and subdistrict / village in southern Bali, Indonesia. A former fishing village, it was one of the first towns on Bali to see substantial tourist development, and as a beach resort remains one of Indonesia's major tourist destinations. It is known internationally for its long sandy beach, varied accommodation, many restaurants and bars, and many renowned surfers who visit from Australia. It is located near Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport.
The Balinese Provincial Government have taken the view that the preservation of the Balinese culture, natural resources and wildlife are of primary importance in the development of the island. To this end they have limited tourist development to the peninsula on the extreme southern aspect of the island, Kuta beach is on the western side of this peninsula and Sanur is on the east. To the north of the peninsula no new tourist development is supposedly permitted
Kuta Beach is a beach that is frequently visited by tourists. Scenery of the beach is very nice and much attracted the attention of tourists. The tourist can enjoy the natural scenery here, see the beautiful sea of blue water and play with sand is there, both children and adults.
Strategic location, making the tourists interested to visit it. The beach is seen along the road in Bali. More importantly, this beach can be seen from the roadside there. For those of you who travel to Bali, don’t forget to visit this beach.

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 1 Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple built in the 9th century under the Syailendra dynasty of Java, near Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Abandoned in the 11th century and partially excavated by archeologists in the early 20th century. This temple was founded by the followers of the religion of Mahayana Buddishm circa 800s AD during the reign of Syailendra. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Borobudur temples is well-known all over the world.
Influenced by the Gupta architecture of India, the temple is constructed on a hill 46m ( 150 ft ) high and consist of eight step-like stone terraces, one on top of the other. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.
The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passages and stairways. The design of Borobudur, a temple mountain symbolizing the structure of the universe influenced temples built at Angkor, Cambodia. This temple often visited by tourist, because it’s include the seven of wonder in the world.

Nama : Deby Eka Putri
NPM : 10608025
Kelas : 3 SA 04

Kepariwisataan 1

A. Pengertian Pariwisata, Kepariwisataan dan Perjalanan Wisata

Istilah pariwisata berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yang terdiri dari suku kata “pari” berarti berkeliling atau bersama, dan suku kata “wisata” berarti perjalanan. Jadi secara pengertiannya pariwisata berarti perjalanan keliling dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain.
Kepariwisataan adalah merupakan kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang khas, seperti : hasil budaya, peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman.
Perjalanan wisata adalah perjalanan keliling yang memakan waktu lebih dari tiga hari, yang dilakukan sendiri maupun di atur oleh Biro Perjalanan Umum dengan acara meninjau beberapa kota atau tempat baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Adapun wisatawan menurut definisi International Union of Travel Organization (IUOTO) adalah :
1. Visitor (pengunjung) : seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan ke suatu Negara yang bukan Negara tempat ia tinggal, karena suatu alasan yang bukan pekerjaannya sehari-hari.
2. Tourist (wisatawan) : pengunjung yang tinggal sementara di suatu tempat paling sedikit 24 jam di negara yang dikunjungi dengan motivasi perjalanannya adalah :
- Berhibur (bersenang-senang, liburan, kesehatan, studi, alasan keagamaan dan olah raga)
- Berdagang,, kunjungan keluarga, misi dan pertemuan-pertemuan.
3. Excursionist (pelancong) : pengunjung sementara di suatu negara tanpa menginap.

Jadi, wisatawan adalah setiap orang yang berpergian dari tempat tinggalnya untuk berkunjung ke tempat lain dengan menikmati perjalanan dan kunjungan itu.
Adapun motivasi perjalanan wisatawan dari zaman ke zaman :
1. Di jaman kuno motivasi perjalanan adalah :
a. Kebutuhan praktis, misalnya politik dan perdagangan.
b. Dambaan ingin tahu misalnya tentang adapt istiadat dan kebiasaan orang atau bangsa lain.
c. Dorongan keagamaan misalnya ziarah dan lain-lain.
2. Di abad pertengahan umumnya petugas negara, pedagang besar, peziarah dan mahasiswa.
3. Di zaman modern perjalanan wisata perorangan mula-mula untuk tujuan kesenangan.
4. Di masa kini karena kemajuan teknologi menjadikan faktor pendorong untuk pengembangan pariwisata karena :
a. Kecepatan bertamabah
b. Kapasitas pengangkutan lebih besar, menambah daya tampung
c. Biaya yang menjadi lebih rendah.
d. Pelayanan lebih baik dan lebih mudah
e. Menimbulkan rasa nyaman dan aman

Demikian maka kemajuan teknologi membawa suatu era baru dalam bidang kepariwisataan yang semakin tumbuh pesat sehingga dapat menjadikan suatu sumber pendapatan negara dan penghasil devisa suatu industri.
Jika kita ambil kesimpulan dari uraian di atas, maka motivasi wisatawan yang mendorong mereka untuk mengadakan perjalanan wisata yaitu :
a. Dorongan kebutuhan untuk berlibur dan ber-rekreasi
b. Dorongan kebutuhan pendidikan dan penelitian
c. Dorongan kebutuhan keagamaan
d. Dorongan kebutuhan kesehatan
e. Dorongan atas minat terhadap kebudayaan dan kesenian
f. Dorongan kepentingan hubungan keluarga
g. Dorongan kepentingan keamanan
h. Dorongan kepentingan politik

B. Biro Perjalanan Umum, Cabang Biro Perjalanan Umum dan Agen Perjalanan
Kepariwisataan sebagai suatu industri yang utama ialah pengangkutan. Pengangkutan meliputi pengurusan berpergian seseorang dari tempat kediamannya menuju ke daerah tujuan wisata, baik yang bersangkutan dengan dokumen perjalanan, urusan batal territorial suatu Negara maupun transportnya. Sektor kegiatan yang tercakup di dalamnya ialah perusahaan-perusahaan angkutan darat, laut maupun udara dan biro perjalanan. Industri yang kedua ialah akomodasi, dan yang ketiga yaitu segala sesuatu yang menarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung.
Peraturan pokok pengusahaan perusahaan perjalanan (travel agency) mula-mula diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No : SK.242/H1970 tanggal 5 Agustus 1970. Sesuai dengan sifat kegiatannya perusahaan perjalanan dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu :
1. Wholesaler adalah perusahaan perjalan yang menyusun rencana perjalan yang menyeluruh (travel package, tour) ataupun secara khusus yang diperjualkan kepada retail travel agent.
2. Retailer (retailer travel agent) adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menjual tour atau melakukan perantaraan perjalanan langsung kepada konsumen/wisatawan.

Adapun bidang kegiatan perusahaan perjalanan (travel agency) ialah :
a. Menyelenggarakan penerangan dan promosi penjualan (sales promotion) kepariwisataan.
b. Menyelenggarakan asistensi perjalanan baik untuk perorangan maupun kelompok.
c. Menyelenggarakan keagenan perusahaan-perusahaan pengangkutan darat, laut dan udara, hotel, restaurant, hiburan dan tour operation.
d. Mengeluarkan tanda-tanda perjalanan (vouchers) untuk pengangkutan, hotel, restaurant, hiburan, tours, hunting, wildlife safari dan lain sebagainya.
e. Mengurus dokumen perjalanan dan alat-alat pembayaran untuk kepentingan perjalanan.
f. Menyelenggarakan angkutan wisata untuk keperluan sightseeing, tours dan transfers.
g. Menyelenggarakan guiding dan tour conducting.
h. Menyelenggarakan mailing service atas barang-barang milik atau pembelian wisatawan dan menyelenggarakan cargo sales.
i. Menyelenggarakan valuta asing.

Ketentuan pelaksanaan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No : SK. 242/H1970 tersebut di atas dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata No : 13/Kpts/1170-Par tanggal 24 November 1970. Akan tetapi karena kesulitan teknis pelaksanaan dari Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan pembagian kegiatan usaha perusahaan perjalanan menjadi wholesaler dan retailer tidak dapat dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya.
Akhirnya dikeluarkan lagi Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No : PM.9/PW.104/Phb.77 tanggal 22 Desember 1977 yang isinya mencabut Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No : SK 242/H/1970 tersebut dan selanjutnya menetapkan sebagai berikut :
a. Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan paket wisata dan agen perjalanan.
b. Agen Perjalanan adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan penjualan ticket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain serta pemesanan sarana wisata.
c. Cabang Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah satuan-satuan usaha dari suatu Biro Perjalanan Umum yang berkedudukan di tempat yang sama atau di tempat lain dan yang memberikan pelayanan sehubungan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan Biro Perjalanan Umum.

Adapun kegiatan-kegiatan usaha tercantum dalam Bab II Pasal 2 sebagai berikut :
1. Biro Perjalanan Umum melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut :
a. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata luar negeri kepada umum atau atas permintaan.
b. Menyelenggarakan dan menjual pelayaran wisata (cruise).
c. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata dalam negeri kepada umum atau atas permintaan.
d. Menyelenggarakan pemanduan wisata (guiding dan tour conducting)
e. Menyediakan fasilitas sewa mobil untuk wisatawan.
f. Menjual ticket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain.
g. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata.
h. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku.
2. Agen Perjalanan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut :
a. Menjual ticket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain.
b. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata.
c. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku.

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

I Choose Someone Who Loves You

I think i agree with someone who loves you....


Because someone who loves you, of course he/she can understand us, he/she can accept us as it is, he/she can protect us with his/her sincerely love,,
while we're need help, he/she come and help us for something or anything,,
he/she care with us and care with our family,,
we also try to love her/him,,
try to understand her/him,,
and i think with his/her sincerely love, that's make our relationship better each other..

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Saat Kehilangan

Mengapa ku tak menyadari saat aquw msh bersamanya...???
mengapa ku tak menyadari saat dy memberikan kasih sayang kepada quw yang sgd lebih...???
Apah aquw begitu acuh padamu...???

Aquw sangadh merindukanmu...
Rindu kasih sayangmu...
kasih sayang seorang kakek kada sang cucu...

Kepergiannya yang tiba-tiba,,,
aquw pun belum sempat melihatmu di kala akhir hdup mu....
aquw ngerasain bgd khilangannya...
aquw sayang kalian semuaa...


Saat Kehilangan

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Tugas Telaah Pranata Masyarakat Inggris 1


The population of the UK has grown and changed significantly since the Queen came to the throne in 1952. Increased life expectancy and lower fertility rates have produced an older population, while immigration has led to ethnic diversity. Living arrangements and relationships have changed. More people are living alone, cohabitation before marriage is now commonplace and there has been a rise in births outside marriage. Many more women are participating in the labour market, although they still do most of the housework and childcare. Living standards are much higher, but there remain concerns about the relative deprivation of some people and communities.

The population of the United Kingdom was estimated to be 58.8 million in mid-2001. This estimate, which is based on results from the 2001 Census, indicates that the population is approximately 1 million smaller than was suggested by the estimates for mid-2000. It is very difficult to get accurate information about people leaving the country and this is thought to have caused most of the discrepancy. Over the last 20 years more people have emigrated than was previously thought, causing the population to grow a little more slowly than expected. Population projections, based on the previous mid-2000 estimates, suggested that the population of the UK might increase to nearly 65 billion by 2025 and peak at almost 66 million in 2040 before beginning a gradual decline.

Age and Gender
The UK has an ageing population. Lower fertility rates and lower mortality rates have both contributed to this. In 2001 there were 10.8 million people over state pension age, and 11.9 million children aged under 16.
More boys are each year than girl, and in 1981 men outnumbered women until around the age of 48. Above this age there were increasingly more women than men. Results from the 2001 Census indicate that women now outnumbered men from the age 22. By age 90 and over there are three times as many women as men. This reflects longer life expectancy of women.

I. Households and Families
The number of households in Great Britain rose by 50% between 1961 and 2002, from 16.3 million to 24.4 million. Many more people now live alone. Most of the increase in one-person households since 1981 is attributable to people below pension age. Despite the growth in the number of people living alone, most households (57%) are still based on couples, although the proportion has fallen from 74% in 1961. These couple households, however are now less likely to contain dependent children than in 1961 or 1981. Lone parents with dependent children now account for 6% of households, compared with 2% in 1961.Lone parents have increasingly become householders in their own.

Households by type of household and family, Great Britain
1961 1981 2002
One person
Under state pension age 4 8 15
Over state pension age 7 14 14
Two or more unrelated adults 5 5 3
One-family households
Couple with:
No children 26 26 29
1-2 dependent children 30 25 19
3 or more dependent children 8 6 4
Non-dependent children only 10 8 6
Lone parent with:
Dependent children 2 5 6
Non-dependent children only 4 4 3
Multi-family households 3 1 1
All households (millions) 16.3 20.2 24.4

Back in 2002, it was discovered that, for the first time, UK properties were more occupied by people living alone, or as a single parent, than as a traditional family unit. The study of how family life has changed since the 1960s - carried out by The Future Foundation - found that living alone had become the norm in the UK. A little over 40 years ago the traditional family unit household made up half of all households in the UK. As the number of people living alone is ever increasing, the number of homes needed will rise accordingly and the UK property market needs to get moving again to fulfil the demand. A Spokesman for the National Housing Federation said, "The increase in single-occupancy properties has naturally had an impact on housing supply."
There are humans living alone in the UK, and who are they…???
Nearly one in eight of us, 12% now lives on their own as numbers of couples with children decline, while fewer marry, divorce becomes easier and young women focus on education and careers rather than starting families. The increase in people living by themselves is among the young and the middle aged as well as the elderly. Many women now delay marriage or having children until their age was 30 years, and live alone or in short-lived cohabitations until that point. Large numbers of people also choose cohabitation, and a much higher risk of break-up, over marriage in the long term. However increasing numbers of elderly people of whom many will be widowed are also boosting numbers who live by themselves. And easier divorce has also increased the numbers living alone. Projections from the ONS show that people who live by themselves will be the biggest group in 20 years time, making up 44% of the adult population. The 'unpartnered' will outnumber the married and the greatest increase in singletons will be among people aged between 30 and 65. The report also highlighted the rise of 'kidults', adults still living with their parents, with nearly a third of men and a fifth of women aged 20 to 34 doing so.
The causes people living alone because they focus on education and careers rather than starting families. They do not think there is a marriage at all, except after finishing their study. Even post-graduate or doctoral degree abroad, for years. They study to pursue their academics level, to ignore the issue of marriage. Beside that,

II. Cohabitation, Marriages and Divorces
Patterns of partnership formation have also changed. Most people still get married at some stage, but the proportions who cohabit or live outside a relationship have increased. Figures for Great Britain show that around 12% of adults aged 16 to 59 were cohabiting with their partner in 2000/01. This was most likely among men aged 25 to 34 and women aged 20 to 29. Cohabitation has become increasingly common before marriage, although 14% of adults aged 16 to 59 reported at least one cohabiting union that did not lead to marriage.
In 2000 there were 306,000 marriages in the UK, a slight increase on the previous year’s figure of 301,000. Of the marriages that took place in 2000, 180,000 were first marriages for both partners, almost half the number in 1950 . First marriages accounted for 81% of all marriages in 1950 but only 59% in 2000.
Around 155,000 divorces were granted in the UK in 2000, 14% fewer than in 1993. The divorce rate in England and Wales peaked at 14,2 per 1,000 married people in 1993, but has since fallen. The rate in 2000 was 12,7 per 1,000 married people, the lowest since 1984.
It should be remembered that divorce does not occur for a single reason and that frequently there are a number of factors involved as to why divorce and separations occur. The causes of divorce because Liberal divorce laws, sexual factors leading to incompatibility, role conflicts, and various other factors.

III. Ages The Humans Can Legally Do Thing
Young adults are the most mobile age group. Many people in their twenties leave their parental home to study, seek employment or set up their own home. In 2001, London experienced the largest net increase of people aged 16 to 24, 19,000. The West Midlands experienced the biggest net loss of people in this age group (over 4,000). London also experienced the largest net losses among all the other age groups, particularly those aged 35 to 44. The South West, East and South East experienced the highest net gains in this age group.
Ages the humans can legally di thing in the UK, whether they are hoping to get served, get laid, get a mortgage or simply get a life.
 They can get a part time job, for a maximum of two hours on a school day, working sometime between 7.00am and 8.00am and 5.00pm and 7.00pm.
 They can work on Sundays between 7.00am and 7.00pm, but again for no more than two hours.
 They can work up to five hours on a Saturday between 7.00am and 7.00pm.You can work any day during school holidays but must have a fortnight without employment during this time.
 It's worth checking with your Local Authority before taking on unusual work (i.e. anything that doesn't involve shoving papers through letterboxes) to be sure it doesn't contravene local regulations and bylaws
 They can go into a bar and order soft drinks.
 If convicted of a serious criminal offence (in a Youth Court), they can
be held in secure accommodation for no more than 24 months. They could also get a fine for a maximum of £1,000.
 They can get a licence to take part in public performances abroad.

 They can work up to eight hours on a Saturday between 7.00am and 7.00pm (if they are 15 or over but under school-leaving age).
 They can view, rent or buy a 15 rated film.
If they are awaiting trial for a criminal offence, they may be held in a remand centre.
 If convicted, they can be sent to a young offenders institute for up to two years.

 They have the right to give consent to medical, dental and surgical treatment. This includes contraceptive advice and treatment.
 They can leave school on the last Friday in June (as long as you're 16) by the end of the summer holidays.
 They are entitled to free full-time further education (at school, sixth form college and city technology college).
 If they do leave full-time education for work, you are allowed to take time off for training or study (until you're 17).
 They can have sex, gay or straight, so long as your partner is also 16+ (17+ in Northern Ireland).
 If they are 17 and under, it is an offence for someone in a position of trust who is 18 or over to engage in any kind of sexual activity with you.
 They can claim benefit and obtain a National Insurance number.
 They can apply for legal aid.
 They can drink a beer or a cider with a meal in a pub or hotel if it was purchased by someone over 18, although in Northern Ireland you must be over 18
 They can ride a moped with a max engine power of 50cc (and a provisional licence). They can also drive an invalid vehicle (with a licence) and a mowing machine.
 They can work as a street trader and/or sell scrap metal.
 They can choose your own doctor.
 They can work full time if you've chosen to leave school (but not in a bar or a betting shop).
 They can join the armed forces (so long as that's OK with your parent/s or carer).
 They can move out of the family home. (If you're under 17 then Social Services may apply for a Care Order).
 They can rent accommodation (but a guarantor is required until They are 18 this is an adult who can be responsible for you).
 They have the right to access your school records.
 They must pay for prescription charges (unless you're pregnant, on income support or in full-time education). Laws in Wales differ though.
 They can order your own passport.
 If convicted of a criminal offence, but not given a custodial sentence, they can receive a community rehabilitation order for up to three years, a community punishment order up to 240 hours, or a combination of both.
 They can do the football pools, and play the National Lottery.
 They can buy premium bonds.
 They can fly a glider.
 They can get married (with parental consent).

 They can drive most types of vehicles (with a provisional driving licence and a 21+ adult in the passenger seat who is qualified to drive).
 If they pass your driving test, and they are properly insured, they can get behind the wheel and take to the road on their own.
 They can apply for a private pilot's licence for a plane, helicopter, gyroplane, hot air balloon and airship.
 They can be interviewed by the police without an adult present, given a reprimand or a warning. Should they be charged with an offence (without being granted bail) then they could be sent to a remand centre or prison.
 Care orders can no longer be made for them.
 They can become a blood donor.

 They can vote in local and general elections.
 They can stand for election as a Member of Parliament, local councillor or Mayor.
 They can serve on a jury, or be tried in a magistrates court and go to jail if they are found guilty of a criminal offence.
 If they were adopted they can see their original birth certificate (and have their name added to the Adoption Contact Register).
 They can make a will.
 They can leave your body for medical study.
 They can carry a donor card.
 They can get married without parental permission.
 They can view, rent or buy an 18 rated film.
 They can view, rent, or buy pornographic material that does not contravene UK obscenity laws.
 They can buy fireworks.
 They can place a bet in a betting shop/casino.
 They can buy cigarettes, rolling tobacco, cigarette papers and also liqueur chocolates.
 They can open your own bank account.
 They can ride a motorbike above 125cc with a licence.
 They can buy an alcoholic drink in a pub or a bar.
 They can pawn stuff in a pawn shop.

IV. Social Trends
Women and Men
Employment and Income
The economic and domestic lives of women have changed considerably in the last 30 years and women have taken an increasingly important role in the labour market. According to the 1971 Census, 91% of men of working age, compared with 56% of women were economically active in the UK. By spring 2001 the rate for women had increased to 72% of women of working age, while the rate for men had declined to 84%. The number of women in the UK labour force increased from 10 million in 1971 to nearly 13 million in spring 2001; projections indicate that the number will rise by 1.1 million between 1999 and 2011. The increase in the female labour force came mainly from a strong rise in the participation of married women. By spring 2001, 75% of married or cohabiting women were economically active. The likelihood of being economically active varies considerably according to whether or not they have dependent children; activity rates are lowest for those with a child under the age of five, at 57%.
Despite the growth in female employment in recent years, women and men still tend to work in different occupations and pay rates are considerably lower in sectors dominated by women. In spring 2001 women employees outnumbered men in clerical and secretarial occupations by four to one, while there were more than twice as many men as women managers and senior officials. Around 41% of male employees and 29% of female employees had some form of managerial or supervisory responsibility in spring 2001.
The average individual income of men was higher than that of women in all age bands in 1999-2000, largely because of their higher levels of earnings, self-employment income and their longer hours of working. Gross income varied across age bands and was highest for women aged 25 to 29, compared with the age group 35 to 39 for men. Across all income levels, women contribute on average less than a third of the family income. The gap between male and female earnings has been closing but the differential remains, with female full-time employees earning around 82% of the corresponding male hourly rate in April 2000. However, the difference in weekly earnings was even greater-women only earned 75% of men’s weekly earnings-because men tend to work longer hours than women, and are more likely than women to receive overtime payments.

Equal Opportunities
The sex Discrimination Act 1975 makes discrimination between men and women unlawful, with certain limited exceptions, in employment, education training and the provision of housing, goods, facilities and services, and protects complainants and their supporters from victimisation. Discrimination against married people and discriminatory job recruitment advertisements are also unlawful. Under the Equal Pay Act 1970, women in Great Britain are entitled to equal pay with men when doing work that is the same or broadly similar, work which is rated as equivalent, or work which is of equal value. Parallel legislation on sex discrimination and equal pay applies in Northern Ireland.
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), an independent statutory body, has the duties of working towards the elimination of sex discrimination; promoting equality of opportunity between women and men; promoting equality of opportunity in the fields of employment and vocational training for people who intend to undergo, are undergoing or who have undergone gender reassignment; and keeping under review the working of and proposing amendments to, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Equal Pay Act. It provides advice to individuals and in some cases provides legal representation for individuals to bring sex discrimination and equal pay claims. The EOC runs an ‘Equality Exchange’, with around 800 members, which enables employers to exchange information on good practice. In Northern Ireland equivalent responsibilities for tackling discrimination and promoting gender equality rest with the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. The remit of this Commission also includes race, religious and political beliefs, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability and people with dependants.

Social Exclusion
Social exclusion is the term given to what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems, such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environment, bad health and family breakdown. A Social Exclusion Unit (SEU) was set up in the Cabinet Office in 1997 to coordinate and improve government action to reduce social exclusion in England. It looks at issues that involve a range of government departments. There is close liaison with the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland devolved administrations which have their own strategies for tackling social exclusion. The Social Exclusion Unit has produced reports on five main areas which have led to new policies on truancy and school exclusion, rough sleeping, a national strategy for neighbourhood renewal, teenage pregnancy and 16 to 18 year olds not in employment, education or training. The government’s approach is intended to prevent people from becoming socially excluded, to help people to get back on their feet if they have become excluded, and to unsure that there is a necessary framework of minimum standards in areas including health, education, employment, in-work income and in tackling crime.
The SEU’s current projects are :
 Young runaways-a report published by the SEU in March 2001 suggests that by the age of 16 one in nine school age children in England will run away for at least one night; a quarter of those who run away sleep on the streets and come in 14 survive through begging, stealing, drug dealing and prostitution ; 80% of young people run away because of family problems.
 Children in care and education in England, those who have been children in care are over represented among rough sleepers, prisoners and runaways. In 1997, 75% of children in care left school with no formal qualifications. Children in care are ten times more likely to be excluded from school; a quarter of all prisoners and up to a third of rough sleepers have been in care; and children in care are two and a half times more likely to become teenage parents.
 Transport and social exclusion two thirds of the poorest fifth of the population in the UK have no car and depend on public transport. If public transport is unavailable or does not meet their needs this can be barrier to inclusion. The SEU is working with other government departments to analyse the nature of the transport barriers that make it difficult for people to get to work, or to access critical services, including healthcare , learning and shops.
 Reducing re-offending by ex prisoners the SEU is working with other government departments to cut rates of re-offending by ex-prisoners, in particular by boosting levels of employment and numeracy skills mean that 90% of those leaving prison do so without any immediate prospect of employment, while two-fifths will be homeless.
Neighbourhood Renewal
The Neighbourhood Renewal National strategy Action Plan sets out how the Government is responding to problems such as unemployment, educational failure and crime in England’s most deprived communities.
The aim is to narrow the gap between deprived areas and the rest of the country, so that within 10 to 20 years no one should be seriously disadvantaged by where they live. The specific objectives to ensure :
 Economic prosperity.
 Safe communities
 High quality schools.
 Decent housing, and
 Better health.
The emphasis is on attacking the core problems of deprived areas, such as weak economies and poor schools, harnessing the power of all sectors to work in partnership, and focusing existing programmers more explicitly on these areas.
By 2004, annual expenditure will be increased by £1.6 billion on the police and £ 1.6 billion on housing. This additional funding is underpinned by minimum targets which mean that, for the first time, government departments will be judged on the areas where they are doing worst, and not on the national average.
One of the priorities of the National Strategy is to get better information about neighbourhoods in order to provide evidence of the problems they face, to assess need, and to monitor progress. The Office for National Statistics is leading the development of a new Internet based service, the Neighbourhood Statistics Service ( ).
Which has the aim of meeting these information needs. It will be developed over several years in partnership with the many organisations that collect the kind of data that can inform the National strategy for neighbourhood Renewal. The information will come from making better use of existing administrative data and from developing methodologies and estimates to meet other requirements.
Renewal Unit in the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions took over the leadership of the Neighbourhood Renewal National Strategy from the Social Exclusion Unit.

Living Standards
The trend in the UK’s standard of living, using gross domestic product (GDP) per head at constant market prices as an indicator, has generally been one of steady growth over the last 50 years. Since 1995 the annual rate of growth has been in a relatively narrow range, from 1.9% to 3.1%.
Real household disposable income (the total resources available to households after deductions) more than quadrupled between 1951 and 2001. There was a rise of 6.5% in 2001, which was above the long-term annual average rise of 3.1% between 1991 and 2001 and the strongest rise since 1978.
The wealth of the household sector in the UK, net of any loans outstanding, including those on the purchase of assets such as housing, has shown strong growth in recent years. It rose in real terms by an average of 4.6% a year between 1987 and 2000, although there was a fall in 2001 the household sector’s net worth totalled 4,573 billions 2,562 billion of non-financial assets, of which residential dwellings accounted for 83%, and 2,011 billion of financial assets. During 2001 the value of residential dwellings (excluding housing association properties) rose by 8%, in contrast to household net financial wealth which fell by 16%, reflecting the effect of weak equty markets on holdings of shares, life assurance and pension funds.
Although there have been substantial long-term improvements in the standard of living, there remain concerns about the relative deprivation of some people and communities. The distribution of income and wealth is uneven. For example, the latest available figures show that.
 The average original income of the top fifth of households in 2000/01 of 55,700 billion was 18 times the average of the bottom fifth 3,100 billion. Benefits and to alesser extent, taxes reduce this inequality so that the ratio for final income is fourt to one.
 In 2000/01, 17% of the population of Great Britain lived in households with low income, before housing costs are taken into account, although this has fallen since the peak of 21% in 1992. Lone parents pensioners and children are more likely to live in a low-income household than people of working age who do not have children;
 The most wealthy 10% of the population of the UK owned 54% of marketable wealth in 2000, or 72% of marketable wealth excluding the value of dwellings.

V. Birth Outside Marriage
Most of children are born to married couples, but an increasing proportion of births occur outside marriage. 40% of all births in the UK in 2001 occurred outside marriage, around four times the proportion in 1971. Most of this growth is accounted for by the increase in births to cohabiting couples. 82% of births outside marriage in England and Wales in 2001 were jointly registered by both parents. Over three-quarters of these parents were living at the same address. Teenage mothers are more likely to give birth outside marriage. 26% of births to teenage mothers were registered by the mother alone, compared with only 4% of births to women in their late thirties or early forties.
A study conducted by The Sun shows a very surprising discovery. In the last eight years 15 of the 10 teenagers in England and 39 teenage girls who were aged 11 years, known to be pregnant. The study also proved that if 300 girls aged 13 years in England and Wales, registered pregnant each year. Meanwhile, since 2002 registered 63,487 pregnancies experienced by 15-year-old girl, nearly 23 pregnancies in one day. Startling figures released today by The Sun after doing research with community Freedom of Information. These surprising results since 2002 also concluded that if as many as 268 pregnancies experienced by 12-year-old girl, while the 2527 pregnancies experienced by adolescents 13 years and 14,777 pregnancies are also experienced by adolescents 14 years. Most figures actually experienced by adolescents aged 15 years, who are still vulnerable at age pregnancy rate has recorded a number of 45.861. While until now the youngest female adolescents who reported 11-year-old pregnant, while the youngest teens who have given birth in the 12-year-old child.

Birth outside marriage in the UK caused by free sex, influenced their circle and association, least in sex education skills, etc. And that case give the effect for their children, because their children only have a single parent, they will undergo the parent’s mistakes as an illegal child, they will feel less in love and affection from their full parents.


 Ahmed, Tajbee-,dkk. 2003. UK 2003. London:TSO
 Social Trends. Office for National Statistics. The stationery Office
 www.
 www.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Mencoba U ntuk Intropeksi Diri

gimana bangsa indonesia mau maju kalau rakyatnya mudah di adu domba dan saling membenci???
tidakkah kita coba untuk melihat negara-negara lain???
mereka hidup damai tanpa ada rasa benci ataupun dendam....
mereka hidup rukun...
apah kita tidak malu dengan mereka???
mengapa tidak kita coba untuk saling mengerti,,,
berfikir secara positif dan dewasa,,,
nebyelesaikan masalah dengan kepala dingin dan tanpa kekerasan...
mencoba untuk menerima pendapat orang lain,,,

seandainya warga Indonesia mempunyai kesdaran seperti itu,,,
tidak ada demo-demo dan kerusuhan...
sehingga orang yang tidak bersalah dan tidak tau apa-apapu dan tidak berdosa mereka terkena dampaknya...
bisakah bangsa kita menjadi bangsa yang maju apabila rakyatnya masih seperti itu???

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Tugas Telaah Pranata Masyarakat Inggris

1. Definition of County
County is a land area of local government within a country. A county may have a cities and towns within its area.
County also is a circuit or particular portion of a state or kingdom, separated from the rest of the territory, for certain purposes in the administration of justice and public affairs, called also a share

2. Why the flag called ST.Andrews (Scotland), ST.George (England), ST.Patrick (Ireland)
ST.Andrews (Scotland) :

Saint Andrews is the Patron Saint of Scotland, and ST. Andrew’s day is celebrated by Scouts around the world on the 30th November. The flag of Scotland is the cross of ST.Andrews, and this is widely displayed as a symbol of national identity.
The “Order of Saint Andrews“ or the “Most Ancient Order of the Thistle” is an order of Knighthood which is restricted to the King or Queen and sixteen others. It was establish by James VII of Scotland in 1687. Very little is really known about ST.Andrews himself. He was thought to have been a fisherman in Galilee (now part of Israel), along with his elder brother Simon Peter (Saint Peter).
ST.Andrews is said to have been responsible for spreading the tenets of the Christian religion though Asia Minor and Greece. Tradition suggest that ST.Andrews was put to death by the Romans in Patras, Southern Greece by being pinned to a cross (craucified). The diagonal shape of this cross is said to be the basis for the Cross of ST.Andrews which appears on the Scotish Flag.

ST.George (England) :

ST.George is a red cross on a white background used as a reference symbolic to Saint George. ST.George has been adopted on the coat of arms and flag of several countries and cities which have ST.George as a patron saint. ST.George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans torture of Christian and died for his beliefs. The popularity of ST.George in England stems from the time of the early crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious. One of the best known stories about Saint George is his fight with a dragon. But it is highly unlikely that he ever fought a dragon, and even more unlikely that he ever actually visited England. Despite this, ST.George is known throughout the world as a dragon slaying patron saint of England. ST.George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red across), generally sitting upon a horse and always killing a dragon.

ST.Patrick (Ireland) :

ST.Patricks cross ( Saint Patrick saltire) is a red saltire (X-shaped cross) on a white field, when considered as a symbol of Ireland or Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland. In heraldic language , it may be blazoned Argent, saltire gules. Saint Patricks flag is a flag composed of Saint Patricks saltire. The antiquity of the association with Ireland and Saint Patrick has been questioned. The cross was used in the regalia of the order of Saint Patricks, established in 1783 as the premier chivalric oreder of the Kingdom of Ireland, and later in the arms and flags of a number institutions. After the 1800 Act of union join Ireland with a Kingdom of Great Britain, the saltire was added to the British flag still used by the United Kingdom. Saint Patricks cross is rejected by many Irish nationalist as a British invention. There is no universally accepted flag for the island of Ireland.

3. Under whose government Ireland when they united with England
Ireland united with England when under government George III in 1801.
The Republic of Irelands Flag is made of three equal-sized rectangles of orange, white, and green. This type of flag is called a tricolour. The green colour on the flag represents the native people of Ireland (most of them are Roman Catholic) yhe orange colour represents the British supporters of William of Orange who settled in Northern Ireland in the 17th century (most of them are Protestan). The white in the center of the flag represents peace between these two groups of people. The flag was adopted in 1919 by the Irish Republic during its war independence, and subsequently by the Irish Free State (1922-1937), later being given constitutional status under the 1937 Contitutions of Ireland. The tricolor is regarded by many nationalist as the national flag of the whole island of Ireland. In relation to the national flag of Ireland, the constitution of Ireland simply states in article 7. in 1921, Ireland was partitioned, with the unionist -dominated north-east becoming Northern Ireland , while later, in 1922, the remainder of Ireland left the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to form the Irish Free State .

Northern Ireland continued to use the British Union Flag and created its own derivation of the flag of Ulster (with a crown on top of a six pointed star) to symbolise the state. Furthermore, for many years the tricolor was effectively banned in Northern Ireland under the Flags and Emblems (Display) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 which empowered the police to remove any flag that could cause a breach of the peace but specified, rather controversially, that a Union Flag could never have such an effect.

In 1964, the enforcement of this law by the Royal Ulster Constabulary at the behest of Ian Paisley , involving the removal of a single tricolour from the offices of Sinn Féin in Belfast , led to two days of rioting. The tricolour was immediately replaced, highlighting the difficulty of enforcing the law.