Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 9 Ranjeng Lake Nature Reserve

Brebes is also has attractions such as lake, one of them is Lake Ranjeng, known as Telaga Ranjeng. Lake Ranjeng is located in the Village renjeng Pandansari, District Paguyangan, Ranjeng Lake is a tourist attraction potential of water in the Bradford district. Lake Ranjeng can be achieved / - 10 km towards the tea factory Kaligua. Pandansari located in the Village, District Paguyangan, Lake Ranjeng is a tourist attraction potential of water in Brebes district. Ranjeng lake which was built in 1924, is under the foot of Mount Slamet and is part of the conservation areas owned Perhutani East Pekalongan. The nature reserve has an area of forty-eight and a half hectares and make us enjoy the water over there, consisting of resin and pine forests surrounding the lake, which was formerly a royal bathing leaders in Java. Lake Ranjeng has 48.50 ha of this area is based on the SK (letter of) the local government as one of the Nature Reserve on January 11, 1925 This is one tourist attraction that is different from other tourist attractions which still includes the Nature Reserve. Every visitor who visited this place at all is free of user charges.
Recreation to the tourist attractions does not require expensive. Creek that still truly natural is surrounded by grass and lush pine trees. Another attraction of the Lake Ranjeng is the cool mountain air, protected forests, nature reserves, and there are thousands and thousands of catfish are benign and are considered sacred, which is considered as residents of the lake. It is said that catfish Lake Ranjeng watchman who has a depth of three meters, just to be invited to play games and not allowed to be taken even if only one tail. Elders who live in the lake ever told there was a tourist who tried to pick it up at home but that person then ill are recovering after returning to the Lake Ranjeng catfish. Whether or not the story, which clearly Telaga Ranjeng a tourism asset which has its own charm.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 8 Tourism Park Mekarsari

Mekarsari Amazing Tourism Park (MATP) is located in District Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Tourism Park Mekarsari is a place where one can find the wealth of Indonesia’s fruit species gathered together in a single location. It is also intended to develop and breeding of superior varieties of fruit. Mekarsari is one of the biggest tropical fruit garden in the world. The garden is intended to create a model market garden which will nurture germplasm collection representing fruit trees, vegetables, and flowering plants. The aim here is to safeguard the genetic diversity of these plants. The 264-hectare garden is conceived as a tourist attraction who will enjoy the recreational facilities which include Canal Tour, Kid’s Fun Valley, Country Side, Melon Park, Snake fruit Garden, Deer Park, and other facilities.
Tourism Park Mekarsari is good tourism park especiaaly for family. For visitors with their families include their children, they can got kind of fruit there cheap enough. So their child can be creativity with their skill. You can see see the collection of plants here with boarded the train around by buying a ticket is Rp. 10.000. However, you must be patient in the event queue that long, because this park have cheap prize. While on his way to see the collection of plants, you will not wonder about the benefits of plants that you see, because no information from tour guide who will provide information about the uniqueness of these plants. So, if you go to this park, don’t forget together with your families, because you will enjoy this park. This park also have outbond for our family. So, for you who like adrenaline, the area is worth a try.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 7 Makassar Losari Beach

Makassar Losari Beach is a famous beach located in the western city of Makassar, Indonesia. So many visitors this beach, local tourist even many who came from abroad. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning enjoying the sunrise, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset scenery overall is very beautiful to visit it, especially In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of sunset sunset. Previously, the beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because of the sellers and traders operate only at night), and touted as stall the world's longest (for tent stalls lined along the beach whose length is less over one kilometer). Even, everyone in the around Indonesia have known it.
One of the kind of food that sold Makassar in tent stalls that are ‘pisang epe’ there is a raw bananas are baked, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. At least ‘pisang epe’ good to eat while still warm, to make hot our body. of course everyone who come there never forgot to ate this food.
Besides as a marine tourism with a lot of visitors, Makassar Losari Beach have a lot of potential that can be used, such as water sports, port, seafood is abundant, trade zone, and so forth. Losari become one of the options to invest in the field of tourism, such as construction of hotels and restaurants, as evidenced by the many hotels and restaurants that stand along the beach with views of beach use. Coastal waters are quite calm has been used as a place to practice water skiing and jet skiing. There is one of the historical sights in the area of this beach is Fort Rotterdam, the Dutch colonial government fort relics which have high historical value in the national struggle.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 6 Bromo Mountain

Bromo mountain is one tourist destination in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Natural attractions are located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in the eastern city of Malang, East Java. Visitors was not only local tourists, even many who come from abroad. With a view of a typical make Bromo worthy destination. Bromo mountain is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The name of Bromo derived from Javanese pronounciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator God.
You’d better go there during the fall or spring time, because the weather is cooler and you will be able to enjoy it more. In there regular visitors visiting this area since early morning in order to see the rising sun. To view them, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Terrain that must be traversed to get to Mount Pananjakan is tough terrain. But, many visitors who choose to rent a car hardtop (a type of jeep) driven by the community.
You never feel disappear and disappointed if you be there. Because Up above, there are many shops that provides coffee or tea and a warm fire to warm themselves while waiting to sunrise. There are also stores that rent warm clothing. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event, the visitors are willing to wait since 5 am facing the east so as not to lose this moment. Because of that many visitors come early morning to watching the sunrise and drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

Tugas Kepariwisataan 5 Hill Love

Have you ever known about the hill in Semarang?. There is a hill in Semarang, known as Hill Love. Hill love is a hill located in the Village Kebondowo Banyubiru District of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This is have a small hill located at the edge of Rawapening Lake lying, this located not far from the Railway Museum Ambarawa. Means of transportation to this place so easy to visit it, just 5 km from the city of Salatiga Ambarawa direction via Banyubiru. That reliable of these attractions are the shade trees and views Rawapening Lake lying. For water attractions such as fishing, water skiing, or Rawapening Lake lying around by renting a motor boat with a tariff of Rp. 30.000,- per 1/2 jam. 30.000, - per half hour, its so cheap. There is also a by-the typical of these attractions was the craft of the water hyacinth .
Everyone want to be there to enjoy a nice scenery. As the name implies, is home making love newlyweds. When entering the Mount attractions Love, seen a huge welcome arch. On the left and right are small shops that sell a wide range of handicrafts is unique attractions such as water hyacinth handicraft and food stalls serving food of freshwater fish. From a distance looks a giant dragon statue at the bottom of the hill. Apparently at the dragon statue is there a room whose contents form a collection of reptiles and animals are inserted into the fish tank. When climbing a small hill there is lots of large trees, making the atmosphere was cool and comfortable. Most of visitors came from around java. They sat in the middle of the gardens and enjoy under trees that shade. There are also stalls that provide specialties such as catfish, shellfish, and other freshwater fish food.

Tugas Kepariwisataan

Tugas Kepariwisataan 4 Bunaken Island

Indonesia has so many island, one of them is Bunaken Island in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This Island is an area in the Bay of Manado with wide areas 8,08 km, located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken island is part of the city of Manado, the capital of the province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island can be achieved by speed boat (speed boat) or a rented boat with about 30 minutes journey from the port city of Manado. Around the island there Bunaken Marine Park which is part of the Bunaken National Park. This marine park has a biodiversity of marine among the highest in the world, scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken Marine Park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Island Siladen, Mantehage Island follows several children his island, and island Naen. Although covering an area of 75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.
Everyone who came to this island can enjoy it, because Bunaken has a beautiful park with a nice situation and scenery. Beside that, many visitors enjoy Bunaken Marine Park, they can diving in there especially for divers and lovers of the beauty of underwater scenery. The incredible shape and colours of the fringing coral off the small island of Bunaken have earned it celebrity status among divers and snorkelers around the world. The marine biodiversity here is extraordinary, with more than 300 types of corals and 3000 species of fish.
Many of the tourists who come to dive around Bunaken are on short vacations from Europe and elsewhere. This tends to mean higher prices on Bunaken than the mainland when it comes to things like Bintang beer. It also means some of the resorts actively discriminate against nondivers, either by charging higher accommodation prices or turning them away. Diving is where the real money is made on this island. Of course you also very excited to visit this place.