Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Kepariwisataan 2.3 Mekarsari Park, Bogor

Mekarsari Park located in District Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, West Java. To go to this location can be reached by public transportation from Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi, the course that led to the Jonggol. This tourist park is the biggest fruit gardens of Indonesia. For those of you who like to maintain the plants and herbs, can visit this place with their relatives and kin. With the price of admission is relatively low, we can travel around the garden fruit plants dang it. Park entrance fee Fruit Mekarsari.is Rp. 10,000 / person and tickets for the car is Rp. 5,000 and motorcycle Rp. 3,000. With a cost that is not too expensive, we can entrance to the park is 265 hectares of fruit.
Lots of variety of different fruits and other plants grow in this garden. Even plants that originated from other countries is growing in the Mekarsari Park. This park has a fairly wide area, but we do not need to worry because there is available a train tour that will take us to around Mekarsari Park, we only need to pay Rp. 10 000 for one ride. But sometimes we have to be patient because the holidays happen a long queue.
Besides looking plants there, we can also enjoy with family and relatives outbound. A wide range of outbound can we enjoy here. This park can also be a learning tool for children and the fruits of there we can learn directly from the tree.

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