Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Kepariwisataan 2.9 Suropati Park

The air heats up enough in the Jakarta area, more precisely in the area of Central Jakarta to make some people interested to visit one park in the Jakarta area, the Garden Suropati ...

Suropati park is one park in the Jakarta area are beautiful and shady with trees up high ...

This park is very crowded with visitors every person, because the air is cool and the trees are dense, so there is not hot air, make people interested to visit this place even just stop by to read the newspaper or sit around with friends and family ...

In the morning, the park crowded Suropati people to exercise, especially on weekends ie

Saturday and Sunday, because around this park is not so much pollution that attract people to just run in the morning here ...

At noon no less cool, because there are trees that shade around it so that makes us sleepy
when sitting under a tree ...

If you're a walk in Central Jakarta area please do not hesitate to stop by for a moment to Suropati Park, you will not regret it if you've visited this park ...

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