Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 7 Makassar Losari Beach

Makassar Losari Beach is a famous beach located in the western city of Makassar, Indonesia. So many visitors this beach, local tourist even many who came from abroad. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning enjoying the sunrise, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset scenery overall is very beautiful to visit it, especially In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of sunset sunset. Previously, the beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because of the sellers and traders operate only at night), and touted as stall the world's longest (for tent stalls lined along the beach whose length is less over one kilometer). Even, everyone in the around Indonesia have known it.
One of the kind of food that sold Makassar in tent stalls that are ‘pisang epe’ there is a raw bananas are baked, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. At least ‘pisang epe’ good to eat while still warm, to make hot our body. of course everyone who come there never forgot to ate this food.
Besides as a marine tourism with a lot of visitors, Makassar Losari Beach have a lot of potential that can be used, such as water sports, port, seafood is abundant, trade zone, and so forth. Losari become one of the options to invest in the field of tourism, such as construction of hotels and restaurants, as evidenced by the many hotels and restaurants that stand along the beach with views of beach use. Coastal waters are quite calm has been used as a place to practice water skiing and jet skiing. There is one of the historical sights in the area of this beach is Fort Rotterdam, the Dutch colonial government fort relics which have high historical value in the national struggle.

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