Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Tugas Kepariwisataan 5 Hill Love

Have you ever known about the hill in Semarang?. There is a hill in Semarang, known as Hill Love. Hill love is a hill located in the Village Kebondowo Banyubiru District of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This is have a small hill located at the edge of Rawapening Lake lying, this located not far from the Railway Museum Ambarawa. Means of transportation to this place so easy to visit it, just 5 km from the city of Salatiga Ambarawa direction via Banyubiru. That reliable of these attractions are the shade trees and views Rawapening Lake lying. For water attractions such as fishing, water skiing, or Rawapening Lake lying around by renting a motor boat with a tariff of Rp. 30.000,- per 1/2 jam. 30.000, - per half hour, its so cheap. There is also a by-the typical of these attractions was the craft of the water hyacinth .
Everyone want to be there to enjoy a nice scenery. As the name implies, is home making love newlyweds. When entering the Mount attractions Love, seen a huge welcome arch. On the left and right are small shops that sell a wide range of handicrafts is unique attractions such as water hyacinth handicraft and food stalls serving food of freshwater fish. From a distance looks a giant dragon statue at the bottom of the hill. Apparently at the dragon statue is there a room whose contents form a collection of reptiles and animals are inserted into the fish tank. When climbing a small hill there is lots of large trees, making the atmosphere was cool and comfortable. Most of visitors came from around java. They sat in the middle of the gardens and enjoy under trees that shade. There are also stalls that provide specialties such as catfish, shellfish, and other freshwater fish food.

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